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George William Frederick GuelphAs with the George III of our universe, this one was the hereditary monarch over the British Isles and the Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg. He married Charlotte of Mecklenburg, had fifteen children, etc. He was a very intelligent and learned man. However, there are several differences. The first is that during his first health crisis, Matthew West intervened and fixed his genome and those of his immediate family members to remove hereditary diseases. Obviously, a mentally alert and whole George III will produce a slightly different reign than one who suffered debilitating illness and worse medical treatments. He will live longer and never have a regent to run the affairs of the nation. He will have a greater influence than our George III. There will be several other effects caused either directly by his better health or tangentially from other things that Matthew West did. One of the more minor aspects will be that he travels to other countries starting in about the fifth volume of the series. There will be many more changes as the series develops, but those can wait until such time as the appropriate volumes are published. |
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Website last updated 29 MAR 2021 For comments or questions about this Website contact the author at charley@hiddenangelsseries.com. Copyright © 2013-2021 by Charles L. Weatherford. All rights reserved. |